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In order to get access to the RPL you must demonstrate that you posses the necessary skills to operate BOTH the 3D Printers and lasers safely. To evaluate this, you will be expected to complete a quiz and attend a supervised training session where you will go through all the steps and laser cut and 3D print. Be prepared to answer questions about important rules. You will only get access to the room if the RPL Staff believes you have covered all the necessary steps and turned in completed training parts. If you have gone through this process and acquired access, but somehow lost it, visit this page.

Step One Watch and Learn

Step Two – Prepare

Before entering the laser cutting room, you first need a fully colored .DWG file. To make sure that you possess the necessary CAD skills to create simple geometries, we have a quick test.

You may choose option A or B depending on your access to SolidWorks, Draftsight, or other editing software.

A. Edit the SolidWorks model found here

  • Put in your information where appropriate. Your PennCard # should be the 8 large bold digits.
  • The date of your edit goes in DD/MM/YY format where appropriate

Once you are done with your model, convert it into a 2D file. Then prepare the file for cutting

B. Edit the DWG file found here

  • Put in your information where appropriate. Your PennCard # should be the 8 large bold digits.
  • The date of your edit goes in DD/MM/YY format where appropriate

Open your file in Draftsight and prepare it for cutting. If you are struggling with this software, feel free to brush up on your DWG editing skills.

Use the following color code:

  1. Set the outline of your shape to RED
  2. Set your name and PennCard info to YELLOW
  3. Create a GREEN hatch for the raster area in the middle

In the end, your DWG file should look something like this:


Good Luck!

Step Four – RPL Time

Having taken the quiz and with prepared file in hand, go to Towne 167 during designated RPL Staff Hours. Staff reserves the right to turn you away at their discretion. This could include, but is not limited to, situations where you come with unprepared or incorrect files, you display a lack of knowledge, or the room is overcrowded.

Step Five Swipe Access

Upon passing the quiz and successfully cutting the piece, it takes about one to two weeks to add names to the swipe list, so you should plan accordingly. Until then, use your laser cut piece as your proof of completing training.

Rapid Prototyping Lab Hours